Friday, July 27, 2012

Study of different head positions

This is whats called a study, a single piece of paper with drawing of one subject from different angles. The objective is to get good enough at the subject you are drawing that it eventually comes to you naturally. I left all the line work in for your reference, but this is a head study if you have any interests in drawing comics you will very likely draw many of these so you can keep your characters consistent.

Friday, July 20, 2012

facial expression cheat sheet

enjoy... its not extremely detailed but it covers the bases in a simple way

Check out my cheapy art resource site!!!

well its just a google freebie site but it'll do, I'm posting my own reference imagery there it should be functional but the experience was... um... confusing so tell me if it don't work.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

lesson 4: the head

start with a circle.
Add the jaw then put in the guide lines and ears the guide lines bellow are very basic.
However if needed they can be fairly complex
then add details like eyes nose and mouth (as shown in previous lessons)
add the hairline for reference
then add whatever features you like

Showing off a little

Just wanted to give people a little perspective on where I'm coming from. 
All of these are drawn by me

Lesson 3: the nose

You want to start with a long oval shape for the bridge of the nose.
Then put a circle on the end for the tip of the nose.
Then two soft triangle shapes for the sides.
Sculpt it out a little and you've got a nose.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

lesson 2: mouth

Start with a straight line for reference.
Then add detail like the more sculpted upper lip and then I usually just imply the lower lip and use shading to define it more
like so.
But for cartoon/anime purposes the look below may work better.

lesson 1: the eye

Start with a circle.
Draw the eyelids by making two arcing lines through the circle and a smaller circle for the iris and a smaller filled in circle for the pupil
Add eye lashes and shade.
Also doing something to indicate the eye is shiny is usually a neat touch.

the simple eye, Anime eye, isn't much less complicated it just depends on what style your going for. its honestly just a little less sculpted and the iris is bigger

starting off: The circle

For the first lesson we will learn to draw a circle we will be drawing lots of those. they come in handy for figure drawing

You will notice I draw in red pencil to indicate I'm drawing in pencil. 

Anyway to draw a circle, unless you have mastered circles (I bow to you), just scribble in a round pattern and choose the closest to a perfect circle and darken it slightly.

really basic but I feel I should cover these things before diving into the good stuff.